When you think of a typical school or work schedule, you will probably imagine the traditional “Nine to Five”. For many students who are trying to juggle studying with work, family
and life, the traditional schedule is challenging if not impossible.


That is why at Evergreen College, we offer not one but four schedule options for our beloved students. Our students can study for just two and a half days, in the evenings or on weekends only.


The two-and-a-half-day option receives a lot of great feedback as it allows our students to study two full days (from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm) and then either a morning or afternoon class, depending on their chosen course of study. It is a great choice for full-time international students who are required to study at least 20 hours per week but that still want to explore and moreover, work in Toronto. These accommodating schedules give the students the chance to gain valuable work experience and income while they study.


Moreover, as we operate by modules, we have many intakes throughout the year. The students then have the perks of choosing which intakes suits their schedule the most.


Evergreen College stands by its students and its flexible scheduling options are just one way we help our students get the future they always wanted.


Start your journey today with us! I’m looking forward to helping you achieve your goals!


Campus Activity:


A night of art and adventure for our APC students.


Our students and professor went for a nice tour around downtown Toronto, and the famous Art Gallery of Ontario.


They all enjoyed a night out with their new friends while getting to know some history.

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